Saturday, December 11, 2004

coma black

my mouth was a crib and it was growing lies
i didn't know what love was on that day
my heart's a tiny bloodclot, i picked at it
it never heals it never goes away
i burned all the good things in the eden eye
we were too dumb to run, too dead to die
this was never my world, you took the angel away
i'd kill myself to make everybody pay
this was never my world, you took the angel away
i'd kill myself to make everybody pay
i would have told her then, she was the only thing
that i could love in this dying world
but the simple word "love" itself
already died and went away
this was never my world, you took the angel away
i'd kill myself to make everybody pay
this was never my world, you took the angel away
i'd kill myself to make everybody pay
i burned all the good things in the eden eye
we were too dumb to run, too dead to die

b) the apple of discord
her heart's bloodstained egg we didn't handle with care
it's broken and bleeding and we can never repair

دهانم باز بود و دروغ ها را در خود پرورش ميداد
من در آن روز نمي دانستم عشق چيه
قلبم لخته كو چكي از خون است : من پوستش را كنده ام
قلبم هيچ وقت خوب نخواهد شد و هيچ وقت از بين نخواهد رفت
در وسط بهشت همه چيز هاي خوب را سوزاندم
ما خيلي بي هدف براي ادامه يافتن و خيلي بي حس براي مردن هستيم
اين دنيا هرگز مال من نبوده ، تو مالك آن را بيرون كردي
من مي خواهم خودم را بكشم كه انتقام ديگران را بگيرم
مي خواستم به او بگويم كه او تنها چيزيه كه من ميتونم تو اين دنياي مردني عاشقش شوم
اما همين كلمه ساده عشق خودش قبلا مرده بود و كنار رفته بود
قلب او تكه اي از خون بود ما از آن خوب مواظبت نكرديم
آن شكست و خونش جاري شد و ما نمي توانيم هرگز آن را درست كنيم


Blogger Pasha Koochak khaneh jangali said...

"من مي خواهم خودم را بكشم كه انتقام
"ديگران را بگيرم

عالیییییه این جمله نه؟

5:05 AM  

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